Kshitij Raj

I am

CyberSecurity Enthusiast and a coder, love to tweak around machines. Apart from this I love networks too, let us be TCP and connect with each other.

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What I Do

I started programming in C and C++ for several years before developing an interest in CyberSecurity and networking. I actively participate in CTF competitions, solve challenges, and conduct research on bugs and security issues. Additionally, I have freelanced in the field of VAPT for a company. Currently, I am deepening my understanding of CyberSecurity and networking by  taking CCNA training. I am always excited to learn new things and explore the world of CyberSecurity. As a big fan of coding, I love to create new projects. I continuously look for ways to improve my skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in CyberSecurity.






Kali Linux

Fortinet NSE 1&2


Bash Scripting


My Work

Some of my works

    developedby kshitij

Nothing Is True Everything Is Permitted

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